Øv, vi har desværre ingen ledige stillinger, der matcher dine valg.
Prøv eventuelt at ændre dine valg.
',\n noResultsFaculty: 'Øv, vi har desværre ingen ledige stillinger, der matcher dine valg.
Prøv eventuelt at ændre dine valg eller se ledige stillinger for hele Aarhus Universitet.
',\n list: {\n deadline: 'Ansøgningsfrist',\n fulltime: 'Fuldtidsstilling',\n parttime: 'Deltid',\n parttimeFull: 'Deltidsstilling',\n hours: 'timer',\n prWeek: 'pr. uge',\n expected: 'Forventet start',\n timelimit: 'Tidsbegrænset',\n },\n locations: {\n aarhus: 'Aarhus',\n cph: 'København',\n herning: 'Herning',\n foulum: 'Foulum, Viborg Kommune',\n roskilde: 'Roskilde',\n jutland: 'Jylland',\n zealand: 'Sjælland, Fyn og øerne',\n outside: 'Udenfor Danmark',\n },\n jobbankLink: '',\n jobbankLinkText: 'Log ind og opret jobagent',\n jobbankHeader: 'Vil du have besked om nye ledige stillinger?',\n jobbankText: 'Opret dig i vores karrierecenter og lav din helt egen jobagent.',\n },\n en: {\n fullTime: 'Full-time',\n partTime: 'Part-time',\n filterButtons: {\n vip: 'Academic and teaching',\n tap: 'Administrative and technical',\n phd: 'PhD positions',\n location: 'Place of work',\n hours: 'Hours per week',\n area: 'Field',\n },\n available: 'vacant positions',\n availableSingle: 'vacant position',\n on: 'at',\n none: 'No',\n matches: 'matches your choices',\n matchesSingle: 'match your choices',\n filter: 'Add filter',\n select: {\n type: 'Select type of job',\n location: 'Select city or region',\n hours: 'Select working hours',\n area: 'Select faculty or unit',\n },\n areas: {\n ar: 'Culture, society, pedagogics, theology, languages, aesthetics, education, communication',\n he: 'Medicine, public health, odontology, biomedicine, forensic medicine, sport science, dental hygiene, nursing',\n nat: 'Biology, physics and astronomy, chemistry, geology, mathematics, computer science, molecular biology and nanoscience',\n tech: 'Engineering, environmental science, agricultural science, food science, public sector consultancy',\n bss: 'Business, society, law, psychology, economics, management, business development',\n aias: 'Independent basic research and talent development within all fields',\n },\n empty: 'At the moment we haveSorry, we have no vacant positions that match your choices.
Please, try chancing your choices.
',\n noResultsFaculty: 'Sorry, we have no vacant positions that match your choices.
Please, try chancing your choices or go to all vacant positions at Aarhus University.
',\n list: {\n deadline: 'Deadline',\n fulltime: 'Full-time position',\n parttime: 'Part-time',\n parttimeFull: 'Part-time position',\n hours: 'hours',\n prWeek: 'per week',\n expected: 'Expected start',\n timelimit: 'Fixed term',\n },\n locations: {\n aarhus: 'Aarhus',\n cph: 'Copenhagen',\n herning: 'Herning',\n foulum: 'Foulum, Viborg Municipality',\n roskilde: 'Roskilde',\n jutland: 'Jutland (Western Denmark)',\n zealand: 'Zealand, Funen and Islands (Eastern Denmark)',\n outside: 'Outside Denmark',\n },\n jobbankLink: '',\n jobbankLinkText: 'Log in and create job agent',\n jobbankHeader: 'Want to be notified of new vacancies?',\n jobbankText: 'Join our Career Centre and create your very own job agent.',\n },\n};\n\nexport default labels;\n","import React from 'react';\nimport PropTypes from 'prop-types';\nimport labels from '../i18n';\n\nconst EmptyComponent = (props) => {\n const {\n lang,\n title,\n mode,\n phdLink,\n } = props;\n return (\n\n {labels[lang].jobbankText}\n
;\n }\n return null;\n })()}\n